Trapp Elementary School
Berenice Gutierrez Principal
Welcome Back to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear Trapp Students and Families,Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Trapp! We are excited to start this new academic journey with all of you and hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer. This year is particularly special as we celebrate our 60th anniversary, a milestone that reflects our long-standing commitment to excellence in education.
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo al año escolar 2024-2025!
Estimados estudiantes y familias de Trapp,
¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025 en Trapp! Estamos emocionados de comenzar este
nuevo viaje académico con todos ustedes y esperamos que hayan tenido un verano tranquilo y agradable. Este año es particularmente especial, ya que celebramos nuestro 60.° aniversario, un hito que refleja nuestro compromiso de larga trayectoria de excelencia en la educación.
Non-Congregate Meals during Ramadan
Rialto Child Nutrition is pleased to offer free-to-go meal bundles from March 1st, 2025 to March 30th, 2025 for students who are fasting in observance of Ramadan, thanks to a waiver provided by the USDA and California Department of Education. We are committed to ensuring that all students have access to nutritious meals, and we are proud to be able to serve our students with this non-congregate meal accommodation. Per Federal and State requirements, any students that participate in meals during the school day will not be eligible for free to-go meal bundles. Each bundle will include one breakfast, one lunch, and one supper per day. Students must be in attendance to receive meals.Meals will not be available for pick-up during Spring Break, March 20-28, 2025.Parents or guardians will not be able to pick up meals.
Book Fair March 12th to 14th
The Book Fair will be open from Wednesday through Friday from 9:30am-3:00pm! Purchase books on our Scholastic Website as well! Please click on the picture for more information!
La Feria del Libro estará abierta de miércoles a viernes de 9:30 a. m. a 3:00 p. m. ¡Compre libros también en nuestro sitio web de Scholastic! ¡Haga clic en la imagen para obtener más información!
Open House March 18th
Attention Families! Join us for an Open House Next Tuesday!
Date: Next Tuesday, March 18th
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM, classroom visits
PTA Elections: 4:30 PM, in the Library
We invite all families to come to our Open House next Tuesday! It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what’s happening at our school, meet teachers, and connect with other families.The PTA Elections will be held beforehand at 4:30 PM, so please join us early to cast your vote.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Think Together NID Enrichment Program
We are excited to announce that the Think Together NID Enrichment Program will return during the spring break March 20 and March 21, 2025.
Dates: March 20th and 21st
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Includes: Free meals
Activities: Enrichment lessons, raffles, and fun for your students!
Space is very limited to only 60 students. Be sure to secure your spot soon!
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to keep your child engaged and entertained over the break. See you there!
Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)
Additional information about SEPAC can also be found on our website -
Trapp’s Mission Statement
The mission of Trapp Elementary School, the high grounds where Timberwolves lead with strength, integrity and respect for diversity, is to ignite and instill purpose in each student to build a foundation that leads to academic achievement, intellectual, social, and emotional growth, through a system distinguished by:
High academic expectations
Inclusive Practices
Safe and inspiring school community
Family and Community partnerships
Declaración de misión de Trapp
La misión de la escuela primaria Trapp, el punto de referencia donde los “Timberwolves” lideran con fuerza, integridad y respeto por la diversidad, es encender e inculcar un propósito en cada estudiante para construir una base que conduzca al logro académico y al crecimiento intelectual, social y emocional, a través de un sistema que se distingue por:
Altas expectativas académicas
Prácticas inclusivas
Comunidad escolar segura e inspiradora
Asociaciones familiares y comunitarias
Daily Menu Item Shortage
Hiring Information
Recent News
Upcoming Events
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Minimum Day/Día Mínimo
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM ELPAC Testing (3-5 Makeups)
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Minimum Day/Día Mínimo
8:20 AM - 9:00 AM Attendance Breakfast
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM ELPAC Testing (3-5 Makeups)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Open House
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Minimum Day/Día Mínimo
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM ELPAC Testing (3-5 Makeups)
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PTA Bubble Assemblies
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Think Together NID Enrichment
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Think Together NID Enrichment
March 24, 2025
March 25, 2025
March 26, 2025
March 27, 2025
March 28, 2025
April 5, 2025
April 7, 2025
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Minimum Day/Día Mínimo