
    Dear Morgan Mustangs and Families,


    Welcome back to another exciting school year at Morgan Elementary School! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer filled with relaxation, adventure, and quality time with loved ones. As we gear up for the new academic year, we are thrilled to introduce our school theme: Lights, Camera, Learn!


    This theme embodies the spirit of creativity, excitement, and engagement that we aim to bring to our school community this year.  Just like in the film world, every scene is carefully crafted, and every role is essential. We believe each student, staff member, and family member plays a crucial part in our school’s story. We are all stars in our educational production, ready to shine brightly and achieve greatness together.


    Lights: Let’s illuminate our minds with new knowledge and bright ideas.  Our dedicated teachers have been busy preparing lessons that will challenge and inspire students.


    Camera: This is our time to focus and capture every moment.  Whether it's through academic achievement, school activities, or school engagement, we want to spotlight the unique talents and contributions of each student. 


    Learn: It’s time to put our plans in motion and make this school year the best one yet!  We encourage students to take initiative, be active participants in their education, and work together to create a positive and inclusive learning environment. 


    We are committed to ensuring that every student feels supported and empowered to reach their full potential.  Our school is more than just a place of learning; it is a community where everyone belongs and can thrive. 


    Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school community. Your involvement is key to our collective success. Together,  let's make this school year a blockbuster hit filled with memorable moments and remarkable achievements.


    Warm Regards,




    Jeremiah De La Cruz

    Principal, Morgan Elementary School