

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's UC Riverside Master's in Education UCLA Clear Teaching Credential Preliminary Administrative Credential

Mrs. Kimberly Rosas

11th Grade Administrator

My name is Mrs. Kimberly Rosas and I first started my educational journey by attending UC Riverside for my undergraduate work. I later went to UCLA for my graduate studies, including a Master’s in Education and my social studies teaching credential. From there, I attended UC San Diego to gain a deeper understanding of innovative strategies to help our most vulnerable students. I have been a classroom teacher for grades 6-12 and have taught all levels of students throughout my years. Recently, I was the Dean of Students for two years, where I supported all things testing, restorative discipline practices, and instructional coaching. Personally, I am a mom to one son and married to a professional chef. I am so excited to be a part of Carter High School as one of the Assistant Principals and get to know our staff, our students, and our families! Please feel free to stop me and introduce yourself when you see me, and, as always, my door is open if you ever need anything. Let’s have a great year!


Ms. Tina Marie Vaughn


Administrative Duties

  • 504 Compliance
  • Categorical Programs
  • Handbooks
  • Library/Textbooks
  • Staff Climate Events/Staff Club
  • Student Support/Mentoring
  • Summer School
  • Technology Integration
  • WASC

Parental Involvement

  • Community Engagement Initiative
  • Junior Parent Night
  • SSC Meetings

Department Support

  • ELA
  • Science
  • VAPA