
Phone: (909) 879-7308 ext 21102
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Ricardo Garcia
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year. We are excited about beginning the new school year and look forward to working with both our new and returning Tigers.
I am humbly grateful for our community’s commitment, courage, and care displayed in so many different ways. With the start of the 2024-25 school year, we have new opportunities and challenges to improve the lives and futures of our students.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for students to get involved in school by joining a club, activity, participating in sports, or the arts. RMS has a wealth of choices. Every student can be involved and make his or her own middle school experience enlightening, successful and memorable. We want to ensure that students make memories of a lifetime to take with them to after middle school and their lives beyond, the skills, life lessons, and knowledge they have acquired during their brief three years at Rialto Middle School.
It is our responsibility to embrace the idea that our individual contributions lay the foundation for those students who come behind us.
Our school is dependent upon the community. Last year many avenues were open to increase parent involvement and this year we will continue to encourage and promote parent participation through our School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC), Rilto Middle Parent Institute, Monthly Coffee with the Principal, and other parent workshops. We welcome healthy partnerships with families, as it is essential that educators and parents join forces to provide a rich and supportive educational experience for our students, regardless of a student’s background or experience.
As we are constantly striving to improve, please let us know if there is any way we can enhance our educational programs to make your student’s experience better. The most valuable asset a school or organization can have is its human capital. As a team of teachers, parents, and staff, greatness can be accomplished. Our staff has dedicated itself to continual improvement, and we ask all the RMS community to do the same.
Here at Rialto Middle School, we roar with Integrity and Determination!!!!
Ricardo Garcia
Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-25. Estamos emocionados de comenzar el nuevo año escolar y esperamos trabajar con nuestros nuevos Tigres y los que regresan.
Estoy humildemente agradecido por el compromiso y el interés de nuestra comunidad el cual se ha demostrado de muchas maneras diferentes. Con el inicio del año escolar 2024-25, tenemos nuevas oportunidades y desafíos para mejorar la vida y el futuro de nuestros estudiantes.
No puedo enfatizar la importancia que es para los estudiantes que se involucren en la escuela al unirse a un club, actividad, participar en deportes o las artes. RMS tiene una gran variedad de opciones. Cada estudiante puede participar y hacer que su propia experiencia en la escuela secundaria sea enriquecedora, exitosa y memorable. Queremos asegurarnos de que los estudiantes hagan recuerdos de su vida para llevarlos con ellos después de la escuela secundaria y en sus vidas, las habilidades, lecciones de vida y conocimientos que han adquirido durante sus breves tres años en la Escuela Intermedia Rialto.
Es nuestra responsabilidad en apoyar la idea de que nuestras contribuciones individuales son las bases para los estudiantes que vienen detrás de nosotros.
Nuestra escuela depende de la comunidad. El año pasado se abrieron muchas vías para aumentar la participación de los padres y este año continuaremos alentando y promoviendo la participación de los padres a través de nuestro Consejo del Plantel Escolar (SSC), el Comité Asesor de Estudiantes aprendices de Inglés (ELAC), el Comité Asesor de Padres Afroamericanos (AAPAC), el Instituto de Padres, café trimestral con el director y otros talleres para los padres. Damos la bienvenida a las asociaciones con las familias, ya que es esencial que los educadores y los padres unan fuerzas para brindar una experiencia educativa rica y de apoyo para nuestros estudiantes, independientemente de los antecedentes o la experiencia del estudiante.
Como nos esforzamos constantemente por mejorar, háganos saber si hay alguna forma en que podamos mejorar nuestros programas educativos para mejorar la experiencia de su estudiante. El activo más valioso que puede tener una escuela u organización es su capital humano. Como equipo de maestros, padres y personal, se puede lograr la grandeza. Nuestro personal se ha dedicado a la mejora continua y le pedimos a toda la comunidad de RMS que haga lo mismo.
!!!!Aquí en Rialto MIddle School, rugimos con Integridad y Determinación!!!!
Ricardo Garcia
Assistant Principals

Phone: (909) 879-7308 ext 21114
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Peggy Simmons-Rivera
Hello, Tigers! I am excited to have the honor of being one of the Assistant Principals at Rialto Middle School. I work with all 7th grade students and 6th grade students with last names that fall between A-L.
First, let me say that I hope you and your family are safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes in life these past couple of years. I am extremely appreciative of our students, parents, teachers, and staff for their positivity, flexibility, and resilience as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters. I am also a parent of a school-age son, so I understand the challenges we face.
As we start the 2022 school year, I am looking forward to building strong relationships with my RMS family. Being at RMS is a homecoming for me. I started my career as a teacher in 1988 at Rialto Junior High School.
Please know we are here for you. We have missed you and we can all continue to learn and grow even in these most difficult times.

Phone: (909) 879-7308 ext 21114
Degrees and Certifications: