Welcome to Milor High School!
Technology is a big part of your success here at Milor. You need it to communicate with your teachers, complete APEX curriculum, and to complete classwork and homework. We loan out the tools you need to be successful in this school, such as laptops, hotspots and headphones. Before you can take any technology home, please read and sign the >>District's technology agreement form<<. Spanish form available >>here<<. These devices are in your care until the day you return them back to Milor.
As a reminder of the agreement, here are guidelines for the care of the device:
1. Know where your assigned device is at all times.
2. Don’t loan your assigned device to anyone.
3. Security devices have been installed on the assigned device that permits tracking and usage will be
4. Keep food and beverages away from your assigned device.
5. Do not mark, draw, write, or place unapproved stickers on the device or case.
6. Do not disassemble or attempt any repairs on any part of your assigned device. Doing so will void the device’s
7. If damage occurs, including, but not limited to, scratches, cracks or dents, report the damage to the school
administration within 24 hours or as soon as possible thereafter.
8. In the case of theft or vandalism, file a police report and notify school administration within 24 hours or as
soon as possible thereafter.USAGE
9. Follow the RUSD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the use of RUSD computers and network systems.
10. Do not reformat the device, tamper with its security settings, or change its operating system (e.g., iOS for
Apple Devices).
11. Do not engage in any harassment or acts of intimidation (cyber-bullying) in an attempt to harm other people
using your assigned device or any other electronic device.RESPONSIBILITY
12. Your assigned device is subject to review by Technology Services, at any time and without notice, to review
files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly.
The device remains the property of RUSD.
13. Return the device, related accessories, and device case in good working condition (with the exception of
normal wear and tear) immediately upon request by RUSD.