Parents, guardians, and community members, your input and commitment are valuable to us! Please consider joining and participating in the following opportunities to make Rialto Middle School a place of excellence for our students.
School Site Council (SSC)
School Site Council is an elected school and community body that determines the focus of the school’s Title I program.
The Title I Program provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
The SSC makes important decisions on how to improve student achievement and how to best use restricted categorical funds within the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
For more information on School Site Council, please click HERE.
African-American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)
Rialto Middle School's African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) is a council consisting of parents, guardians and caretakers of African American students attending Rialto Middle School.All stakeholders interested in educating, empowering, and engaging in the success of African American students are welcome.AAPAC supports activities and opportunities to educate, empower and engage the African American students at Rialto Middle School.English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
ELAC is an advisory committee for parents of English Learners.
It advises the principal and staff on programs and services for English Learners and the SSC on the development for the SPSA.
It serves as a tool for parents to be empowered in the decision making process.
The council should consist of parents of English Learners, parents/guardians, school staff, and/or community members.
Coffee with the Principal
Parents and community members are invited to join us for a warm cup of coffee and to receive the latest news and events on campus. It is also a time for parents to hear about instructional programs, gain strategies to assist their children, as well as ask questions and/or share concerns that will positively impact student academic achievement.
Schoolwide Support Committee
Being a part of the Schoolwide Support Committee gives you the opportunity to advocate for improved educational and social emotional outcomes for your child. This is a collaborative effort with our families, administration, and teachers to ensure equitable access for all Rialto Middle students and their families. Our hope is that these meetings will shine light on the needs of our campus, share services that are already being offered, and allow you to have a voice in the education of our students. We need your input! Thank you for being a part of Rialto Middle School's success!