What is the TFI?
The purpose of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is to provide a valid, reliable, and efficient measure of the extent to which school personnel are applying the core features of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SWPBIS). The TFI is divided into three sections (Tier 1: Universal SWPBIS Features; Tier 2: Targeted SWPBIS Features; and, Tier 3: Intensive SWPBIS Features) that can be used separately or in combination to assess the extent to which core features are in place.
SWPBIS SPRING Results 2022 Subscale for Kelley Elementary
Kelley Elementary School_SWPBIS TFI 2.1_Subscale_5_2_2022.pdf 104.12 KB (Last Modified on May 5, 2022) -
SWPBIS TFI Results 2021 Subscale for Kelley Elementary
FALL TFI 11_17_21 Kelley Elementary School_SWPBIS Subscale.pdf 107.62 KB (Last Modified on March 26, 2022)