- Bemis Elementary School
- Boyd Elementary School
- Casey Elementary School
- Curtis Elementary School
- Dollahan Elementary School
- Dunn Elementary School
- Fitzgerald Elementary School
- Garcia Elementary School
- Henry Elementary Media, Visual & Performing Arts School
- Hughbanks Elementary School
- Kelley Elementary School
- Kordyak Elementary School
- Morgan Elementary School
- Morris Elementary Environmental Literacy Academy
- Myers Elementary School
- Preston Elementary School
- Simpson Elementary School
- Trapp Elementary School
- Werner Elementary School
- Frisbie Middle School
- Jehue Middle School
- Kolb Middle School
- Kucera Middle School
- Rialto Middle School
- Carter High School
- Eisenhower High School
- Milor High School
- Rialto High School
- Zupanic Virtual Academy
- Rialto Adult School
Updated: COVID-19 Guidelines for Student Safety
Please follow the link to view the COVID-19 Guidelines for Student Safety (Updated for August 2022). The intent of this document is to provide you with a better understanding of District and school COVID-19 guidelines and to ensure student safety.
Principal Carolyn Eide
Dear Jaguar Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! In the past six years we have received several accolades. Among these are: Being a leader within the district in regard to Positive Behavior Intervention Systems being recognized as both a Gold School twice and a Platinum level once, which is a testament to our school culture and student supports. We have been recognized as an AVID School-wide Site of Distribution and a California Green School at the Gold Level, which is the highest level of recognition by the state of California. We are also the first Dual Immersion Language program at the secondary level within the Rialto Unified School District and our eighth graders will be entering high school this coming school year. Finally, we have been recognized by the state of California as well as Nationally as a Schools to Watch, becoming one of the 3% in the nation of middle schools to have processes and systems in place to ensure all students have access to rigorous instruction and academic achievement.
We cannot create an optimal learning environment without our school community and families. We look forward to seeing and working with our students and families throughout this school year and continuing to strive for excellence. With your help and participation, I am confident that our students will be among the states and nation’s leaders in a wide range of areas. I can personally think of many students that have gone forward to make their mark on society and I am confident that your child will do the same!
Our Instructional Focus is to “Prepare all students to be strategic thinkers and problem solvers by building literacy skills in all content areas and requiring students to justify responses using academic language with textual evidence when appropriate.” We are committed to providing the best educational experience for all students academically, socially, and physically.I will spend two full days every week in classrooms to support teaching and learning throughout campus. Additionally, our Assistant Principal’s will spend at least 1 full day every week in classrooms. Therefore, we may not always be able to speak with you when you drop in or telephone us. However, our office staff is wonderfully equipped to assist you with questions or concerns. If they are unable to assist you, they will schedule a meeting with an administrator or arrange for one of us to call you back within 48 hours.
Thank you and we look forward to connecting with you and your family.
Carolyn Eide
Current Events & News
PBIS Parent & Community Tier 1 Input
Jehue Middle School would like your feedback regarding the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support system (PBIS). Our mission is to establish and maintain an effective learning environment and positive school climate by implementing behavioral supports needed for all J.M.S. Jaguars to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. Please complete this survey to better assist us in making this happen.
FREE Tutoring for Rialto Unified Students
Rialto Unified School District is now offering FREE in-person tutoring at all of our school sites. Online tutors will also be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Varsity Tutors. Click to learn more!
Think Together 2024-2025
Jehue Families, Think Together is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 School Year! You must do an application online in order to register. If you have any questions please contact our Site Program Manager at 909.455.7370. You will get confirmation for the 2024/2025 School Year by the end of June.
Coffee with the Principal 2023-2024 Schedule
JOIN US TO HAVE AN INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION WITH Principal Eide @ 9:00 am on the Jehue Campus
Jehue eSports Program
The mission of the Electronic Sports (eSports) program, the platform that fuses passion and opportunity, is to ensure students acquire the knowledge and skills to succeed in a competitive digital world, through a vital system distinguished by: Caring Staff, Leading technology, Organized competition, Teamwork, Character.
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FAX NUMBER: 909-421-7376