ALPHA Scholars

ALPHA Scholars Program FAQs

  • What is the purpose of the ALPHA Scholars Program?

    The ALPHA Scholars program is a program designed for highly motivated, high-performing students who wish to go to a highly selective 4-year college after high school.  The program is also designed to support and encourage those same highly motivated students that are taking the maximum number of AP/Honors classes by utilizing a cohort model.


    What is a “Cohort Model”?

    The cohort model is an education model where all students will have the same counselor (Mr. Wilson), and they will have the same core teachers (i.e. Science, English, and History) during the same periods.  This model allows for common planning among the teachers, and it allows students to form working relationships with their peers.  In addition, it allows teachers to truly discuss students' strengths and weaknesses, and it allows students to form cohesive, consistent study groups.  Studies have shown that the cohort model structure contributes positively to learning.


    What qualifications must I meet to gain admittance?

    To be accepted into the program, you must have an impressive overall GPA, excellent attendance, behavior, and attitude.  In addition, there is an application process.


    Once I’m in the program, do I have to reapply?

    Once in the program, as long as you successfully meet the yearly requirements, you will remain in the program throughout high school.


    What are the yearly requirements?

    Each year, students are required to take the proscribed courses as outlined in the 4-year plan, maintain an overall weighted GPA of at least 3.85 with no D’s or F’s, complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service per year, participate in field trips, attend study opportunities, and contribute positively to the educational environment.  In addition, students are expected to maintain excellent attendance, personal integrity, character, and responsibility.


    What are the benefits of the program/Why should I apply?

    All members of this cohort, students will have the same counselor (Mr. Wilson) and the same core teachers so that they can form a strong community of supportive, college-bound students.  Members will also have opportunities to take college field trips, have SAT/ACT prep built into the school day, and they will take an AP class as a freshman (AP Human Geography).  College planning and preparation will also be emphasized at each grade level.

    What classes do I need to take each year?

    Since this program is setting students up for success in college, there are predetermined classes students need to take each year.  These classes will address high school graduation requirements and California A-G college requirements.  See 4-year plan document for more info.  


    How Can I Apply?

    If you meet the minimum requirements, then you’re more than welcome to apply for the program.  You can find the application here.