Emerging Linguist (EL) Program

EL Program Details
At Eisenhower, we offer different supports for emerging linguists to meet their academic needs as they work their way towards bilingualism.
Classes: ELD 1, ELD 2, SAS (Strategies for Academic Success), CCP (College & Career Prep), SEI (Structured English Immersion) Meet our staff to the right!
Field trips: Two trips a year- one cultural and one college tour (See photos and video below)
Bilingual Instructional Assistants: Help in ELD and SEI classrooms to interpret instruction
Support for Teachers
NEED TO CALL HOME? New in 2020, Interpreters available by phone using, "Language Line" when calling home, in ANY language, and it's FREE to you!
Language Line Access .pdf
Language Line 11 Tips for Working with an Interpreter.pdf
NEED SOMEONE TO INTERPRET YOUR LECTURES AND CLASS DISCUSSIONS? Free to you: translator.microsoft.com. Here is a VIDEO intro. Ensure your EL 1 and 2 students are 100% engaged by giving them equitable access to your content and class discussions, every day.
Why shouldn't I do my own interpreting? Because when we interpret for ourselves, we rush through and give our ELs a more condensed version, and that is not fair to them. Sometimes, our Spanish skills are not as good as we think they are, adding to students' confusion. Plus, the English-only students are bored and may feel frustrated. So save some of that mental energy for yourself. TIP: When using translator.microsoft.com, slow down your speech, and pause in between long sentences.
Give your students that speak a language other than English the extra support they need in completing those big projects you plan to assign. Send your document to be translated to translation@rialtousd.org.Our district Interpretation/Translation team is able to translate documents and projects into Spanish with a three day turn around. NEED AN INTERPRETER FOR AN IEP?
We also have services for interpreting and translating IEP's into Spanish through our awesome translation team. Case carriers can access this service for IEP interpretation by sending an invitation to translation@rialtousd.org. Translation of IEP's can be accessed by checking the box for translation of the IEP on Web IEP.LESSON PLAN SUPPORT: Academic English Language Development Standards with Digital Support Tools
Have you tried our new ELD Standards generator tool? This tool was created by teachers for teachers. A big shout out and thank you to Aletha Granados and Cecile Echegoyen for their hard work and vision in creating this resource. This tool will help you correlate the ELD standards to your content standards. It will generate academic language, sentence frames, strategies, and graphic organizers to ensure that English Learners are receiving academic language support to access your content area.Here is an example of what will be generated.Click here to access the tool.Please remember that providing Designated and Integrated ELD to English Learners is a mandate from the state and the federal government. ELD on a daily basis gives our English Learners the support they need to be successful in each content area.ELLevation (New program for 2020) answers all your questions:
*WHAT OTHER LANGUAGE DOES HE/SHE SPEAK?*HOW LONG HAS HE/SHE BEEN IN US SCHOOLS?*WHAT IS HER/HIS SCHEDULE?ELLevation intro video Log-in via CLEVERWe are excited to announce the release of ELLevation, an English Learner Data platform. ELLevation is designed to give teachers and administrators real-time data in a visual format that makes it easier to target the specific needs of your English Learners. The link below shows how to access the ELLevation Classroom Teacher Dashboard. The video will also explain what the data means.
We encourage you to explore your ELLevation account (You can't break it :)). Your site administrator over EL Programs and your site strategist/coach have received training in ELLevation and will be able to support you in your exploration of the data.
Immigration Support
Apply to Dream Act here Due Mar 2, but money runs out fast so apply asap. The Dream Act gives immigrants access to student loans and reduces tuition costs for students who are undocumented.
Scholarships that don't require proof of citizenship
Immigrant rights (undocumented) click here
If ICE stops you, show them this card.
FHA now accepting DACA home loans for 'Dreamers" (From 1/25/2021)
How to fill out the DACA application video
Download DACA Form I-821D (expires 4/30/2021)
Instructions to fill out DACA I-821D Form
FREE HEALTH RESOURCES (click on the images to access all the resources)
Videos that explain each section of the packet (English)
Video #1 This video covers: The Healthcare System (Medi-Cal and Emergency Medi-Cal, Public Health Programs), Free and Affordable Food (CalFresh)
- This video is 1 hour long
Video #2 This video covers: Staying Healthy and Advocating for Yourself! (Public Services and the Immigrant Community, Health Rights, Keep Your Benefits)
- This video is 1 hour long.

ELPAC Information & Resources
The summative ELPAC is given every year to every student in the State of California who is enrolled in the EL program. The window is from February thru May and it is online. Below is a link to practice all four domains (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening). Students must acquire an overall score of 4 in order to be considered eligible for reclassification.
Practice LISTENING, READING, WRITING, WRITING A GOOD ESSAY, and Second Language Learning Tips
ELPAC website for Parents/Sitio web para padres
The California State Seal of Biliteracy
(How it all started: click HERE to get more information and hear inspiring student stories)
Being bilingual gives you so many opportunities in life. It is a way to stay connected to your culture and experience other cultures. You can graduate bilingual!
Seals are awarded to graduating seniors who meet the following three criteria:
- Get a 2.0 GPA in all English classes
- Pass the CAASPP with a 3 or 4.
- Prove you know a 2nd language by ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:
- Getting a 3.0 GPA in Spanish IV or V, or French IV
- Pass a language AP test with a 3 or higher
- Pass the SAT II subject language test with 600 or higher
- Pass the AVANT test at Eisenhower
PLUS *if you are in the EL program, you need to get a 4 on your ELPAC
Click on this link for more information: Seal of Biliteracy Requirements
Video support for you:2nd Language Learning Tips

NEW! Two Important California Policies
The California EL Roadmap- "A call to action from all educators across the system to develop EL students' linguistic and academic capacities." Watch this Historic Video the moment it was approved by the California State Board of Education.
Global 2030- "All students will graduate bilingual"
How does a student get placed into the EL Program?
New students have to fill out a school enrollment form. There is a home language survey question that asks what language is spoken at home. If English is not the primary language spoken at home, then the Initial ELAPC is administered to the student within 30 days and the result of scores received on this assessment is what determines if the student is an English Learner (EL) and will need support to learn and acquire English proficiency while learning their core content; or if the student is Initial Fluent Proficient (IFEP) Students take the summative ELPAC every year until they reach the highest level - 4. Once they are level 4, they are eligible to reclassify if they meet the other criteria.
How does a student exit the EL Program?
Students must "reclassify" out of the EL Program. It's as easy as "G.E.T." which means:
G- Grades must be A, B, or C in English and math
E- English level must be a 4 (ELPAC)
T- Test (ELA Performance Task) score must be 6 or higher(9th-11th), and 4 or higher (12th). OR pass CAASPP with a 3 or 4.
*Parent/Guardian signature is also required
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
In accordance with the California Education Code, section 52176(b), all schools with twenty-one (21) or more English Learner (EL) students, not including Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students, are required to establish an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). Schools are required to form the ELAC at any time during the school year when the number of identified EL students reaches 21 or more.
All parents with students attending the school in which the ELAC is established are eligible and should be encouraged to participate in the ELAC. The principal must ensure that ELAC members receive appropriate training.
The responsibilities of the ELAC include:
- Advising the School Site Council (SSC) on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), especially those sections related to English learners.
- Assisting in the development of the school’s Needs Assessment
- Making efforts to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
- Advising the principal and staff on the school’s program for English learners.
Colorin Colorado is a bilingual website for educators and families of English Language Learners. This website is filled with strategies, ideas, recommendations, resources, videos, and news from the English Language Learner field. The resources are organized by topics and there are also additional resources organized by grade level. Explore the website and enjoy all the freebies that can help you support English Language Learners in your classroom.

Below, EL students visit Morgan to read to students.