How to order a replacement diploma
Request a Diploma Reprint
Diploma Reprint Requests
Graduates of the Rialto Unified School District may request a diploma reprint at no cost.
Please note that reprinted diplomas may differ in size and color from the original and will include the designation “Reprint” on the back. In many cases, official transcripts are accepted by employers and organizations as proof of education in place of a diploma reprint. If you need a copy of your transcript, please follow the links below for more information.
To request a diploma reprint, please contact:
Silvia Olmos
Student Records Specialist
(909) 873-6525
solmos@rialtousd.orgPlease note, official transcripts, in lieu of a diploma reprint, are often accepted by employers or organizations verifying a person's education. Please follow the links below for more information on obtaining a copy of your transcript: