Communication/Media Services

Communication Services
For decades, the State recognized Rialto Unified School District’s Communications/Media Services (CMS) team has been responsible for informing, engaging, and corresponding information and news about schools, students and staff with stakeholders, in which the main customers remain RUSD families. CMS strategically promotes the District in an organized, professional, responsive, and informative manner, through various resources such as its social media platforms and videos utilizing industry-standard devices. The function of our office is to communicate District news, engage and promote student achievement and share District accomplishments. Communication/Media Service work in harmony with the Superintendent’s Office from the Dr. John R. Kazalunas Education Center, located at 182 East Walnut Avenue, Rialto, CA. 92376. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. We are closed on weekends and federal/State holidays. General Contact: 909.820.7700, ext. 2126. General Email:
Multimedia Services
The RUSD Communication/Media Office introduced its Multimedia Services in 2018. We share the highest quality of multimedia videos, photography, graphic design, and professional video production. In 2022, the District became one of the first Inland Empire school districts to introduce and implement the Bridge Podcasts, which is owned and operated in-house, by trained staff, who shoot various videos in the Media Room, located behind the Communication/Media Services offices.
Social Media and Related Services:
Rialto Unified School District recognizes the importance of communicating to a mass audience through various press and technology platforms which transfer the purpose and goal of the message, in informing, enhancing, and highlighting some of the best school-related student success stories, education programs, and events in the District. Additionally, Communication/Media Services is responsible for the following:
- Social Media - Including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube
- Peachjar flyers - Emailed to our families and available on school and the District websites
- ParentSquare Broadcast/Text - Our messaging system that sends out notices via text, email, and phone calls
- Press Releases – Sharing the positive and large achievements with the RUSD
- Printed and Digital Media Articles/Stories - Submitted to local newspapers in San Bernardino County
- Videos - Including Bridging Future videos and Bridge Podcasts to showcase the District’s highest achieving programs, events and accolades centered on student success
- Media Interviews - Serving as the spokesperson for RUSD, when needed
- Special Promotions - Including helping organize and promote annual employee retirement and years of service, and special annual events such as Puttin on the Ritz Fine Arts Gala
- Branding - In addition to overseeing the recent development and introduction of our new brand (including the logo), CMS is a part of the Strategic Plan that ensures that the visual elements of our brand represent the District in a positive, professional and conscientious manner.
- Emergency Preparedness - Serving as the spokesperson in times of crisis and sharing the latest information
- Preparing and overseeing the broadcast of a live stream video for all RUSD School Board Meetings for the public.
- Preparing protocol training for school and District level administration
- 2008 Humanitarian Award in Partnership and Marketing - Home of Neighborly Services, San Bernardino, Ca
- 2009 Key to the District Award from RUSD Board of Education President Joanne T. Gilbert
- 2010 Regionally Recognized Classified Employee of the Year by San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools honors, San Bernardino, Ca
- 2011 “30 Under 30” Award for Education Leadership, Assemblywoman Wilmer Amina Carter
- San Bernardino County Medal of Honor Winner in Community Relations/Philanthropic Causes “Puttin on the Ritz, Fine Arts Gala, 2012
- 2018 Rialto Democratic Club’s Annual Excellence in Education Leadership Award
- 2018-2019 State of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Award, for Communication leading the District Student Advisory Committee (DSAC) in the Equity/Access category
- 2020 “30 Under 30” Award from Assemblywoman Eloise Gomez Reyes
The Communication/Media Service is a branch of the Superintendent’s Office and includes Agent Syeda Jafri, Multi-Media Marketing Innovator Ricardo Carlos, and Communications & Media Technicians Matthew Peters and Edith Ortiz.