• Welcome to Special Services

    Everyone deserves educational opportunities that match their ability to learn.  We offer many support programs for children with disabilities from birth through age twenty two years old.

  • The Rialto Unified School District’s Special Services proudly serves approximately 3,100 exceptional students each year. Our mission is to provide every student with a highly effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) in an environment that supports their growth and enables them to reach their fullest potential.

    We offer a wide array of program options and specialized services designed to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities throughout the district.

    • For our youngest learners, ages 3-5, we provide enriching preschool experiences at specialized campuses and integrated settings within state preschool programs.
    • From kindergarten through 12th grade, we deliver personalized services that prioritize inclusion and foster success in the least restrictive environments.
    • Additionally, our transition programs for young adults ages 18-22 are tailored to support their growth and preparation for life beyond high school.

    Our dedicated team works hand in hand with parents, offering comprehensive support in academics, behavior management, communication skills, and related services to ensure every child thrives. Together, we are committed to empowering each student to achieve their greatest potential.

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    • Meet Our Special Services Team


Dr. Sonya Scott
Becki Modereger
Sylvia Reed Drake
    • Dr. Sonya Scott

      Lead Agent, Special Services 

      Email: sscott@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2722

Dr. Marc Rodriguez
  • Dr. Marc Rodriguez

    Coordinator, Related Services 

    Email: mrodriguez4@rialtousd.org

    (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2734

John Abbas
    • John Abbas

      Special Education TOSA

    • Education Specialist

      Email: jabbas@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2722

    • Becki Modereger

      Academic Agent, Special Services

      Email: bmodereger@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2733

Rikki Uribe
    • Rikki Uribe

      Coordinator, Behavior Support Services

      Email: ruribe@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2745

Italia Black
    • Italia Black

      Instructional Specialist

      Secondary Sites

      Email: iblack@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2741

Marnice Hernandez
    • Marnice Hernandez

      Program Specialist 
      ECSE Programs
      Email: mhernandez4@rialtousd.org
      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2742
Carina Quan
    • Carina Quan

      Program Specialist

      (PK - 12+) Moderate/Severe Programs

      Email: cquan@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2738

Sonia Lucas
    • Sonia Lucas

      Administrative Secretary

      Email: slucas@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2722

Roxana Medina
  • Roxana Medina

    Senior Office Assistant

    Email: rmedina3@rialtousd.org

    (909) 820 -7700 ext 2730

Irma Lovato
    • Irma Lovato

      Administrative Assistant I

      Email: ilovato@rialtousd.org

       RPAT (909) 820 - 8152 ext 1154

    • Sylvia Reed Drake

      Student Success Specialist

      Email: sreed2@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2760

Dr. Rebecca Parres
  • Dr. Rebecca Parres

    Coordinator, Compliance

    Email: rparres@rialtousd.org

    (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2739

Dr. Ncube
    • Dr. Sitembiso Ncube

      Instructional Specialist

      Elementary Sites

      Email: sncube@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2740

Thomas Orantes
    • Thomas Orantes

      Program Specialist

      Elementary Sites - M/M Programs

      Email: torantes@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2743

Richard Ramos
    • Richard Ramos

      Program Specialist

      Secondary Sites - M/M Programs

      Email: rramos2@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2723

Brenda Salas
    • Brenda Salas

      Administrative Assistant I

      Email: bsalas@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 Ext. 2733

    • Cambria Kossifas

      Senior Office Assistant

      Email: ckossifa@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 -7700 ext 2732

Rose Lopez
    • Rose Lopez

      Translation Services

      Email: rlopez@rialtousd.org

      (909) 820 - 7700 ext 2759