• Goal 2
    Conditions for Learning

    This is current feedback give through our LCAP process. Feedback is being gathered through our stakeholders.

    Conditions for Learning

    Rialto USD will ensure all students are provided with access and opportunities to support learning with highly qualified teachers and professional learning communities that promote a culture of continuous improvement for student achievement.

    Overall Feedback 

    In addition to the legally required emphasis on supplemental concentration groups, the planning team would also like to see actions that:

    • Reference African American students and Students with Disabilities
    • Include strategic interventions ideas that will address learning loss because of COVID
    • Emphasize the importance of the whole student, not just English and Math
    • Use easily understood language for the whole community, that will be used in implementation (in other words, it should be clear in the item what is actually happening at the school.  Ex:  Item shouldn’t say ITAs if there is a whole bunch of technology hardware in the item.)

    Specific Feedback 

    • Revise Professional Development to more strategically correlate to student outcomes:  Master schedule, SIOP, ELA, STEM
    • Remove or greatly limit consultant contracts like (Innovate Ed, etc.) 
    • Reflect all changes from the 20-21 year like: Lead Strategists/ TOSAs who are currently already returned to the classroom (AVID,GATE, ELA, MATH, STEM), current preschool staffing changes
    • Revise all items that involved “start- up” program costs
    • Revise to include Professional Development for administrators too
    • Reflect support of School Site Plans