Active Shooter / Lockdown
The following are steps the District may take in the event of a critical incident involving an intruder on campus or active shooter. We encourage you to review and become familiar with the information available on this webpage.
Call 911 Run:Get into a building, lock & barricade doors, shut off lights, silence cell phonePrepare to Defend:Be ready to protect & defend yourself using any item availableRemain in Place:Wait for all clear from the authorities before evacuating your areaActive Shooter
Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often unpredictable, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation. (Department of Homeland Security,2020)
How to Respond to an Active ShooterQuickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Remember that students and visitors are likely to follow the lead of staff during an active shooter situation.
Evacuate or RunIf there is an accessible escape route, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:
- Have an escape route and plan in mind.
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Help others escape, if possible.
- Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
- Keep your hands visible.
- Follow the instructions of any law enforcement officer.
- Do not attempt to move wounded people.
- Call 911 when you are safe.
HideIf evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:
- Be out of the active shooter’s view
- Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door)
- Not trap you or restrict your options for movement
To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
- Lock the door
- Blockade the door with heavy furniture
If the active shooter is nearby:
- Lock the door
- Silence your cell phone and/or pager
- Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions)
- Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks.
- Remain quiet
If evacuation and hiding out are not possible:
- Remain calm
- Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location.
- If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
Take action against the active shooterAs a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:
- Acting as aggressively as possible against him or her
- Throwing items and improvising weapons
- Yelling
- Committing to your actions
How to React When Law Enforcement Arrives- Remain calm, and follow Law Enforcement’s instructions
- Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets)
- Immediately raise hands and spread fingers
- Keep hands visible at all times
- Avoid making quick movements toward Law Enforcement such as holding on to them for safety
- Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling
- Do not stop to ask staffs for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which staffs are entering the premises
The first Law Enforcement to arrive at the scene will not stop to help injured persons. Expect rescue teams composed of additional Law Enforcement and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial Law Enforcement. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured persons. They may also call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing the wounded from the premises.
For more information regarding an RUSD School Site Comprehensive School Safety Plan, please visit the school's main office.
California Education Code (EC) Section 32281(a) requires every kindergarten through grade twelve school, public and public charter, including community and court schools, to develop and maintain a CSSP designed to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel. In a school district with fewer than 2,501 units of average daily attendance, there may be one CSSP for all schools within the district.
The law requires designated stakeholders to annually engage in a systematic planning process to develop strategies and policies to prevent and respond to potential incidents involving emergencies, natural and other disasters, hate crimes, violence, active assailants/intruders, bullying and cyberbullying, discrimination and harassment, child abuse and neglect, discipline, suspension and expulsion, and other safety aspects.
Schools, districts, and COEs all play a role in effective school safety planning and are responsible for familiarity with, and fulfillment of, applicable requirements of EC sections 32280–32289.5
Emergency Procedures
Lockdown Procedures
Authorized staff should announce a message indicating all persons should lockdown or a message similar to the following:
- “Attention all staff, lock down all rooms immediately! I repeat. Lock down all rooms immediately!”
- In some cases it may not be safe for authorized staff to do so. Any staff who witnesses a threat to life can announce a dangerous incident.
- Staff inside rooms should keep doors secure and lockdown in place, unless unsafe to do so. Doors should remain secure and not opened until law enforcement arrives.
- If students and teachers are outside the school building, they should stop, drop, and remain still out of sight or lockdown in a safe location. You will be directed where to relocate depending on the situation.
- Physical education classes being held in the gym should move into a locker room, lock all doors, and find a safe area.
- Physical Education classes on field areas should move away from impacted areas and not return to buildings if not safe to do so.
- Any students in the cafeterias should lockdown in place or move to the nearest classrooms.
- If teachers and students are in the bathrooms, they should move to a stall, lock it and stand on the toilet.
- Anyone in the hallway should move to the closest classroom immediately
- Nurses/cafeteria workers/support staff should stay in the area they are in, secure the doors, and turn out the lights.
- Students and staff in the library should remain in the library. Librarians should lock the doors, turn out the lights, and locate a safe area.
- Staff members should locate and hold on to their roll book. This will aid in accounting for all students should an evacuation be necessary.
Stay in safe areas until directed by law enforcement officers or an administrator to move or evacuate. Never open doors during a lockdown, even in the event of a fire alarm. For further directives, law enforcement officers and administrators will have keys to open the doors or announcements will be made over the intercom. An administrator will signal all personnel if the lockdown has been lifted.
If an evacuation occurs:
- All persons and classrooms will be directed by a law enforcement officer or administrator to a safe location.
- Once evacuated from the building, teachers should take roll call to account for all students present in class.
- Administrators will keep in communication with radios or cell phones.
- Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned.
- Do not leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.
- Account for all students, staff and visitors as soon as reasonably possible.
- Notify Administration, law enforcement and safety services of missing or unaccounted students, staff or visitors.