The following are steps the District may take in the event of a critical incident involving an earthquake. We encourage you to review and become familiar with the information available on this webpage.
Drop, Cover, and Hold
Under a table or desk or against an interior wall until shaking stops (do not stand in the doorway)
After shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries.
Evacuate if directed by Emergency Personnel and/or authorized District staff
If Inside:
- Staff members will follow the "DUCK, COVER, and HOLD" procedure.
- Drop to the floor beneath the desk, chair, table, or bench with back to the windows.
- In a bent and crouched-over position, place one arm over back of neck. The other arm grasps the leg of a table or other solid object.
- Stay in this position until it is safe to move.
- At the completion of ground movement, the staff members shall ascertain possible injury and determine the ability of personnel to evacuate. (If doors are jammed, break windows, remove all glass, and evacuated via window.)
- Exit the building if it is safe to do so.
Seriously injured persons should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
If Outside:
- Get away from all buildings and move to a safe open area. Do not panic or run. Stay calm.
- Stay clear of walls, power poles, overhead wires, trees, loose wires, and metal fences.
When SAFE, proceed to the pre-designated assembly area.
For more information regarding an RUSD School Site Comprehensive School Safety Plan, please visit the school's main office.
California Education Code (EC) Section 32281(a) requires every kindergarten through grade twelve school, public and public charter, including community and court schools, to develop and maintain a CSSP designed to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel. In a school district with fewer than 2,501 units of average daily attendance, there may be one CSSP for all schools within the district.
The law requires designated stakeholders to annually engage in a systematic planning process to develop strategies and policies to prevent and respond to potential incidents involving emergencies, natural and other disasters, hate crimes, violence, active assailants/intruders, bullying and cyberbullying, discrimination and harassment, child abuse and neglect, discipline, suspension and expulsion, and other safety aspects.
Schools, districts, and COEs all play a role in effective school safety planning and are responsible for familiarity with, and fulfillment of, applicable requirements of EC sections 32280–32289.5