Fire / Evacuation
The following are steps the District may take in the event of a critical incident involving a fire or emergency evacuation situation. We encourage you to review and become familiar with the information available on this webpage.
Call 911
- Activate nearest fire alarm
- Proceed to nearest exit
- Use stairs, not elevators
- Assist persons with disabilities
- Meet at designated assembly area
- Account for individuals
- Re-enter area only when authorized by emergency personnel
Fire Extinguisher Instructions:
- P - Pull Safety pin from handle
- A - Aim nozzle at base of fire
- S - Squeeze the trigger of the handle
- S - Sweep from side to side
Fire on School Grounds
On-campus fires can be hazardous to person(s) health and safety. Fire can spread rapidly and smoke or other burning material can overcome a victim suddenly.
Staff should conduct or provide assistance with the following:- Call 911 and Safety Control
- Notify Administrator or designee
- Provide location and other pertinent information
- If applicable, activate the nearest Fire Alarm pull station
- All persons shall be directed to leave the building and shall proceed outside to designated assembly areas
- Evacuate the building and area using stairs or ladders. Avoid using elevators
- Staff shall give students clear direction and supervision and help maintain a calm and orderly response
- Provide assistance to disabled, sick or injured persons
- Assemble in the designated evacuation area. Teachers shall take roll and report missing students. The principal, designee and/or each department head shall account for their staff
- Account for all students, staff and visitors. Report all unaccounted persons to First responders
- Only re-enter buildings and/or area after demeaned safe by First responders.
Fire Drills
The school site shall test the fire alarm signal at least once every month. Each school site shall also hold fire drills at least once a month at the elementary level, four times every school year at the intermediate level, and not less than twice every school year at the secondary level.
- The site Administrator or designee shall notify staff as to the schedule for fire drills
- Whenever the fire signal is given, all students, teachers, and other employees shall quickly leave the building in an orderly manner
- All staff shall ascertain that no student remains in the building
- All staff shall be prepared to select alternate exits and shall direct persons to these exits whenever the designated escape route is blocked
- Each school site shall keep a record of each fire drill conducted and file a copy of this record with the office of the Superintendent or designee
For more information regarding an RUSD School Site Comprehensive School Safety Plan, please visit the school's main office.
California Education Code (EC) Section 32281(a) requires every kindergarten through grade twelve school, public and public charter, including community and court schools, to develop and maintain a CSSP designed to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel. In a school district with fewer than 2,501 units of average daily attendance, there may be one CSSP for all schools within the district.
The law requires designated stakeholders to annually engage in a systematic planning process to develop strategies and policies to prevent and respond to potential incidents involving emergencies, natural and other disasters, hate crimes, violence, active assailants/intruders, bullying and cyberbullying, discrimination and harassment, child abuse and neglect, discipline, suspension and expulsion, and other safety aspects.
Schools, districts, and COEs all play a role in effective school safety planning and are responsible for familiarity with, and fulfillment of, applicable requirements of EC sections 32280–32289.5