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Monitoring English Learners and Reclassified Students for Success

  • Effective monitoring of English Learner (EL) progress is a requirement of the state and federal government and serves to make informed decisions regarding EL student support and program changes. The Multilingual Programs office works with designated administrators at each school site to monitor the progress of English Learners by disaggregating data through Synergy and ELLevation. Once students are identified, teachers are included in the process by implementing strategies in the classroom and continuing the monitoring process.

    ELLevation combines software, student data and research to provide a fluid system for the monitoring of English Learners.

    ELLevation aggregates all EL student data in one place, streamlines time-sensitive compliance processes, records key programming and instructional decisions about ELs, and disseminates that information through digital and printable reports. This system provides online access to administrators and classroom teachers with key EL information including language proficiency progress, programming and instructional recommendations.


    ELLevation Implementation Timeline

    March 2020 - June 2020 Configuration of ELLevation

    June 2020 - August 2020 Introduction of ELLevation to adminsitrators and site teacher support staff

    September 2020 - Introduction of ELLevation to classroom teachers

    October 2020 - June 2021 Use of ELLevation tools to:

    • monitor English Learners and Reclassified Students
    • goal set with students and parents
    • track interventions

    September 2020 - ON - Continued training through workshops in use of ELLevation